Studio Scenes: November 2021

It’s been a very exciting time in the studio these past few weeks.

Eat, drink and look at great art!

I’m pleased to announce that my two paintings pictured above, There Is A Light (left) and The Tide Is Turning (right) are on display and available to buy in one of Stockbridge’s finest bars, Hamilton's, via The ArCo Project, an initiative in association with The Rafiki Gallery.

Commissions close for 2021 but are open for 2022.

As 2021 draws to a close, so do my commissions for the rest of the year. It has been a joy to collaborate with several clients over the past eleven months and paint artworks of varying dimensions - some big and some not so big - of locations that mean a lot to them.

My commissions this year have been Scotland based but I look forward to a challenge of painting somewhere further afield - perhaps a sunny holiday destination?

(That’s not to say Scotland isn’t sunny…it has its moments).

Get in touch if you would like to work with me in 2022.

Past paintings find new homes.

Sometimes my work finds its forever home straight away and sometimes it takes a little longer. Funnily enough, I only recently put this artwork, titled Down:Up on my website - and I painted it in 2017! It found a home after a few weeks of me putting it online and I hope its new owner enjoys the energy and intensity of both colour and texture in this piece.

I’m visiting my parents’ home soon and they still have a few of my earlier works which will be added to my website soon!

Another old but new artwork

I’m currently revisiting a style I experimented with a few years ago when I first started painting regularly. Delving back into an old technique has been a welcome break and has taught me a lot which I will probably discuss in future blog posts.

You can watch a timelapse video of the work in progress at around 17 hours in. Currently, I’ve been working on it for 25 hours (obviously not continuously) and there are a few more to go...

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A 20 minute solo exhibition on Portobello beach, Edinburgh


Pastel Explosion Card Launch